Believe or not, I'd made more than 40 to 50 masks for the past 2 weeks. I think I'm getting better at sawing and definitely more creative thanks to quarantine boredom.
I realize that I still had some woolen mill fabric left from 2012. This fabric was used for collaboration with Post Overalls. I know this is not the season for wool mask but what a heck. I'll probably be the first guy making a 3D wool mask. This is not for sale, just for fun.
I still have more masks on my website.
Need a mask? We got you covered!!! Please visit and let's help and support the health care workers.
この2週間で4~50はマスク作っています。1つ制作するのに1時間かかります。確実に上手くなってきています。笑 多少コロナ疲れで飽きて来ます、と同時にクリエーティブになります。
まだwebでマスク販売しております。売り上げの100パーセント、すなわち全額を新型コロナと戦うN Yの医療従事者に寄付いたします。どうぞ宜しくお願いします。