Without sampling from Soul, Funk, Jazz, Reggae and Rock music, there is no 90s Golden age of Hip Hop legacies. Sampling is part of the beauty of the hip hop music. 30% of the biggest hit of Hip Hop songs still contained sample now days.⠀

“Impeach the President” by The Honey Drippers is one of the most samples songs. Musician sampled this drum breaks and vocal over 800 times.⠀

Classic hip hop song “La Di Da Di” by Doug E. Fresh and Slick Rick has sampled or interpolated by over 1000 songs.⠀
ラッパーのダギーフレッシュ & スリック・リック、ヒップホップ鉄板の名曲 "ラディラディ”は音楽のジャンル問わず1000回もサンプリングされている。

Now my tern to use this technique.⠀


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